DomainWhoisAgent Protects you against:
Unwanted telephone solicitation
Detail telemarketing calls and junk mail
Keep you from being bombarded with unwanted solicitations of any kind.
Full Control over
privacy settings
Provide identity theft protection
Stalkers, Harassers,
Political, Social Stigma /
Evade Censorship
A privacy service generally shows your name but includes our
service�s address, phone, and email.
This option is recommended as this exonerates us of any
liability regarding domain name ownership, as well gives you more security.
Pressure cannot be directed at us, while legally and openly you are owner, and
can deal with complaints however you decide.
With a proxy service, the service usually
registers the domain name on your behalf and then licenses the use of the domain
to you.
This option puts us in a more difficult position, as
legally our company is responsible for your domain, this because the domain
registration name is in our name. This shifts liability towards us. Thus we have
a policy that any legal issues, letters, complaints regarding a domain name
which uses this method should respond adequately within 48hrs.
Our control system will have your domain name listed, please see page How It
Works, the control system maintains real ownership of the domain, we distance
ourselves of any claim to your domain as long as you are listed in our control
panel, and payments/fees are paid.
Anyone wishing to contact you can contact you directly via the control panel
after they register first.